Our Mission

Mobility Matters

Go Baby Go is a community-based outreach program that works with families, clinicians and industries to provide pediatric adaptive equipment to children with disabilities for mobility, participation, fun, and socialization. We support kids through innovative, cost-effective and inclusive solutions.

We support families in Oregon and Southern Washington. If you currently reside outside of Oregon or Southern Washington, please check out the Go Baby Go Community Connector to find your local chapter.


Our Mission

Go Baby Go Oregon’s mission is to support kids being kids through innovative, cost-effective and inclusive solutions to promote mobility, play, participation, and socialization.

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Our Programs

Go Baby Go Oregon currently has three different adaptation programs that focus on modifying ride-on toy cars, toys, and board books for children with disabilities. We focus on leading workshops to modify equipment, providing education to the community, connecting families to resources, and hosting playgroups. Please click on the links below to find out additional information for each program and how to sign up.


Modified Cars

Modified ride-on toy cars provide young children with disabilities opportunities for active mobility, independence, socialization, and participation to move about their environment.

Modified Toys

Modified adapted toys enable children with limited mobility the ability to participate in play and support easier access to interact with toys.

Modified Books

The goal of modified books are to increase participation and engagement in early literacy skills for children with limited mobility and/or visual difficulties.


Our Impact

At Go Baby Go Oregon we make and innovate, train and educate, listen to families and therapists, and help share resources. We work with families, volunteers, community partners, and professionals to adapt cars, toys, and books.



children provided Ride-on Toy cars

Beginning in 2015, we have provided 165+ children access to a ride-on toy car that promotes early mobility, play, and socialization in real world environments.



books, toys, and cars adapted

Through our events, such as workshops and community builds we’ve provided 315 + modified books, toys, and cars to families and children in Oregon and Southern Washington.



Volunteers contributed

Our volunteers help us through participating in modification workshops, education sessions, fundraisers, and playgroups!


Get Involved

There are many ways to get involved with Go Baby Go Oregon! Whether it’s through adapting cars, toys, and books, or participating in workshops, community events, and fundraising, we’re always looking for people who can help us support families and children with disabilities in Oregon and Southern Washington


Frequently Asked Questions

Have Questions? We’ve got answers. Find out more more about who we are, what we do, and our events.

Volunteer opportunities

We couldn’t do what we do without volunteers! Our volunteers help us with modifications, workshops, fundraising, and more. If you’re interested, sign up here.

Make a Donation

All donations made to Go Baby Go Oregon go directly to helping families receive equipment, education, and resources.
